Top 10 NGO Grants in Nigeria in 2023

ngo grants in nigeria

In a nation as diverse and dynamic as Nigeria, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role in addressing various social and economic issues.

However, funding is often a major hurdle for these organizations. This article looks at the NGO grants in Nigeria so that you will know about them.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role in society by providing essential services, advocating for change, and promoting social justice.

In Nigeria, many NGOs are working to address a wide range of challenges, from poverty and hunger to education and healthcare.

If you are an NGO in Nigeria, you may be looking for funding to support your work. There are several grants available to NGOs in Nigeria, each with its specific criteria and requirements.

To aid their noble endeavors, several available NGO grants in Nigeria in 2023. This article will explore the top 5 NGO grants that can provide crucial financial support to these organizations.

What is Grant?

A grant is a financial award given to an individual or organization to support a specific project or activity. Grants are typically made by governments, foundations, and other organizations.

There are many different types of grants available, each with its specific criteria and requirements. Some common types of grants include:

  • Research grants: These grants are awarded to support research projects in a variety of fields, such as science, medicine, and the humanities.
  • Education grants: These grants are awarded to support students’ educational expenses, such as tuition, fees, and living expenses.
  • Community grants: These grants are awarded to support projects that benefit the community, such as those that promote economic development, improve education, or provide social services.
  • Environmental grants: These grants are awarded to support projects that protect the environment, such as those that reduce pollution or conserve natural resources.
  • Healthcare grants: These grants are awarded to support projects that improve healthcare, such as those that develop new treatments or provide access to healthcare services.

How To Apply For A Grant

ngo grants in nigeria

To apply for a grant, you will need to submit a grant proposal. A grant proposal is a document that describes the project you are proposing, the need for the project, and how you will use the funds.

The grant application process can be competitive, so it is important to carefully prepare your grant proposal. You should also make sure that you meet the eligibility requirements for the grant.

If you are awarded a grant, you will be required to use the funds for the specific purpose that was stated in your grant proposal. You will also be required to submit reports on the progress of your project.

Grants can be a valuable source of funding for individuals and organizations. If you are looking for financial support for a project that you are passionate about, you should consider applying for a grant.

The application process for NGO grants varies depending on the grantor. However, most grant applications will require the following information:

  • A description of your organization and its work
  • A budget for the proposed project
  • A timeline for the project
  • An evaluation plan
  • A list of the project’s beneficiaries

To find out more about how to apply for NGO grants, you can visit the websites of the grantor organizations. You can also search for NGO grants online or consult with a grant-writing consultant.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about grants:

  • Grants are not loans, so you do not have to pay them back.
  • Grants are typically awarded for a specific period, so you will need to use the funds within that time frame.
  • Grants are often competitive, so it is important to carefully prepare your grant proposal.
  • You will need to meet the eligibility requirements for the grant to be considered.

Top NGO Grants in Nigeria

1. United Nations Democracy Funds (UNDEF)

The United Nations, a global organization comprising 193 member nations, is committed to preserving global peace, enhancing diplomatic ties, and advancing human rights, social progress, and improved living standards.

UNDEF offers grants ranging from $100,000 to $300,000 to initiatives that amplify civil society voices and promote human rights.

These grants predominantly benefit non-governmental and civic organizations that align with UNDEF’s objectives. To apply, you can visit this link.

2. Center For International Private Enterprise Grant (CIPE)

CIPE, a non-profit organization, provides financial support to non-governmental entities. It operates on the principle that nations should collaboratively develop market-oriented, independent, and democratic institutions.

CIPE partners with local business leaders to promote inclusive growth through market-driven solutions and initiatives that uphold democratic governance, encourage entrepreneurship, boost trade, and combat corruption.

It collaborates with an international network to produce resources and tools for driving local change. You can apply for CIPE grants here.

3. United States African Development Foundation (USADF) Grants

USADF offers grants of up to $250,000 to community organizations and small enterprises in Africa dedicated to aiding underserved and marginalized communities.

These communities often have unmet needs not addressed by government initiatives or parastatals.

Beneficiaries of USADF grants include agribusiness cooperatives, community-based organizations, African intermediary entities, and small to medium-sized businesses.

The grant sizes typically range from $50,000 to $250,000. For more information and to apply, visit this link.

4. Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) Grants

The AECF, established in 2008, is one of Nigeria’s many grant opportunities.

It is a development institution grant that supports businesses in innovating, creating jobs, accessing investments and markets, and raising incomes in rural and marginalized communities across Africa.

AECF directs its investments and awards towards rural financial services, rural communication networks, agriculture, agribusiness, renewable energy, and climate change adaptation.

For application details, visit this link.

5. United States Agency For International Development (USAID)

USAID, the world’s premier international development organization, aims to bolster U.S. national security and foster the resilience and self-reliance of recipient nations.

They provide development aid and foreign assistance to help partner countries achieve self-sufficiency by improving lives, empowering communities, and fostering self-reliance.

USAID introduces new initiatives and grants annually, allocating up to $16.8 billion for economic development and humanitarian projects.

One such initiative is the USAID Advancing Nutrition Program, designed to address critical malnutrition issues in underserved communities.

6. Mastercard Foundation Young Africa Works Fund

The Mastercard Foundation Young Africa Works Fund is a $500 million initiative that supports programs that help young people in Africa get the skills and opportunities they need to succeed in the workforce. The Fund is open to NGOs, government agencies, and other organizations working in Africa.

7. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria is a partnership of governments, private foundations, and individuals working to fight these diseases.

The Fund provides grants to NGOs and other organizations that are working to prevent, diagnose, and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

8. Tony Elumelu Foundation TEF Entrepreneurship Programme

The Tony Elumelu Foundation TEF Entrepreneurship Programme is a $100 million initiative that provides seed funding and mentorship to young African entrepreneurs.

The Programme is open to entrepreneurs from all over Africa who are working to start or grow a business.

9. Ford Foundation Nigeria Civic Space Programme

The Ford Foundation Nigeria Civic Space Programme supports programs that promote civic engagement and democracy in Nigeria.

The Programme is open to NGOs, community-based organizations, and other organizations working to strengthen civil society in Nigeria.

10. Rockefeller Foundation Food Systems Resilience Programme

The Rockefeller Foundation Food Systems Resilience Programme supports programs that improve food security and nutrition in Nigeria.

The Programme is open to NGOs, government agencies, and other organizations working to make Nigeria’s food system more resilient to shocks and stresses.


NGOs in Nigeria have a range of grant options available in 2023 to support their various missions. These NGO grants in Nigeria cater to diverse causes, from education and community development to environmental conservation and women’s empowerment.

Securing funding through these grants can significantly enhance the impact of NGOs and contribute to the betterment of Nigerian society.

I hope this blog post has helped provide you with information about the top 10 NGO grants in Nigeria in 2023.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the eligibility requirements for NGO grants?

The eligibility requirements for NGO grants vary depending on the grantor. However, most grantors require that the applicant organization be a registered NGO with a track record of successful work.

How much money do NGO grants typically provide?

The amount of money that NGO grants provide varies depending on the grantor and the scope of the proposed project. However, most grant awards range from a few thousand dollars to several million dollars.

How long do NGO grants typically last?

The duration of NGO grants also varies depending on the grantor and the scope of the proposed project. However, most grant awards last for one to three years.

How do I write a grant proposal?

A grant proposal is a document that describes your organization’s need for funding and how you will use the funds to achieve your goals. A well-written grant proposal will increase your chances of getting an award.

How can my NGO apply for these grants?

Each grant has its application process. Visit the respective grant’s website for detailed guidelines and eligibility criteria.

Are there any reporting requirements for grant recipients?

Yes, most grants require periodic progress reports to ensure funds are used effectively.

Can my NGO apply for multiple grants simultaneously?

Yes, many NGOs apply for multiple grants to increase their chances of securing funding. However, ensure your projects align with the grant’s objectives.


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